–Fox Outfitters Stainless Pint Cups–

From TGW-T:

From  your bar to your pack, these cups easily fit in any environment. High quality, thick stainless steel construction that from our testing, is near indestructible. If you ever wanted to be able to toss a proper pint glass in your pack and go, this easily fits the bill. A rugged and unique piece of kit, that should be in everyones camp box. As versatile as the venerable old Sierra Cup, but with a few ounces of extra room. Classic pub glass styling in a sleek modern steel package. These cups simply fit the bill.

From TGW-A:


The cups arrived nested 5 together with cardboard and tissue to cushion them.  Probably not necessary, I believe you could package them in a Walmart bag and ship via donkey train and they wouldn’t suffer any ill effects.


Fox Outfitters Stainless Pint Cups

Fox Outfitters Stainless Pint Cups with a Kifaru E&E

The cups are simple and good looking.  They are slightly smaller than a glass pint, and appear to be stamped from a single sheet of steel and have a rolled rim.  Fox Outfitters is laser engraved on the bottom and lower wall of the cup.  I don’t have a scale handy, but I wouldn’t exactly call them lightweight, nor excessively heavy.  They strike an excellent balance between weight and durability, which we will now examine.


Fox Outfitters Stainless Pint Cups

Fox Outfitters Stainless Pint Cups

In a word, very.  I’ve used two of them for cocktail shaker tops for the past week in a very high volume bar.  They’ve gone through dozens of wash cycles, been banged together repeatedly, and show no signs of wear.  Squeezing the cup hard with both hands will only incur the slightest amount of flex, and a 180lb man can stand on one (upright) and cause no damage whatsoever.  I filled one with water and set it to boil on the stove, and it did (no surprise there). These are the proverbial cast iron skillet of metal beverage transport.


Amazon has these priced at $33 for the set of five, and at that price I don’t see how you wouldn’t have a set.  Amazon also claims the list price for the set to be $59, and that would likely be more than I would pay for a set.  I would however probably buy one for $12 at an outdoors store like REI.


These cups will continue to get everyday use from me for the foreseeable future.  I think they are an excellent product that would serve well anyone who wants an indestructible vessel for any application.

Thanks for reading, and check out TheGearWhores.com for more product testing and reviews in the future!

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